The BLD Blog

A collection of building materials marketing trends and insights focused on helping building product manufacturers BLD their brand.

Wish You Had Better Booth Traffic? We Can Help.

person using smart phone

Article Date: August 8, 2019

Building product manufacturers make large investments – both in dollars and human resources – to support annual trade show needs. Every few years, a capital investment is approved for the latest booth upgrade. And annually, manufacturers reserve their booth space for a number of shows, commit a number of marketing and sales resources to “work” the booth, and implement plans to “make a difference” at the show by featuring the right products and giveaways, all to hopefully generate qualified marketing leads.

But a smart trade show strategy doesn’t just focus on the activity at the booth. Rather, it includes a pre-show marketing effort to encourage qualified booth traffic, a strong engagement strategy to educate and engage during the event, and an effective post-show follow-up plan.

At LarsonO’Brien, we look at the entire trade show experience to develop strong and effective marketing strategies that build greater traffic and deliver more qualified leads. These include:

  • Booth audits of our client’s presence as well as the competition
  • The use of interactive and engaging experiences at the booth – using emerging technology and other means to create impact
  • A complete pre-show, targeted strategy to raise interest and commitment with qualified prospects
  • A metrics methodology applied throughout the experience to track performance and set benchmarks for future events
  • A post-show follow-up plan to keep interest alive and stay relevant

BLD Marketing is a results-based, digitally-focused, full-service strategic marketing firm exclusively serving the commercial and residential building materials category.